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Hipster Sweet #1: Potica

First stop on our trip through epic taste amalgamations of sweetness is numero uno of what I would like to call HIPSTER SWEETS! (You’ve probably never heard or them). The way I see it, what says Portland more than the random and the eclectic morsels which are criminally underrated? Thus I give you Potica.

Pecan Potica. Photo courtesy Janessa’s Gourmet

Potica, brought to my attention by Joe Pastry Food Blog, is a Slovenian dessert in origin. In essence it is sweet bread that is rolled with some kind of yummy filling. People over the years have used everything from poppy seed paste to cooked apples and from nuts to jam, some blasphemers have even taken it the savory route filling it with things like chives, eggs and bacon (the horror!). But I digress. This little doozy of a pastry is a fear to be reckoned with.

Joe Pastry calls this versatile treat “a roll that knows no borders,” commenting on the fact that different interpretations of this dish have come up throughout Europe, changing ever so slightly from one country to another. What remains to be seen is if this peasant food of Slovenia will stand the test of time (or should I say taste of time) and maintain a spot in our recipe books as well as our stomachs.

Photo courtesy MakeAWhisk

So now, in true Portland fashion, let’s revive this lost art of bread rolling. Lets’ put this dish on the Endangered Dessert List and bring it back to life one yummy loaf at a time. What better way to show our uniqueness than through a pastry that can be filled with practically anything (I can see the marshmallow Potica’s now. We can call it the Michelin Man! Oh the naming possibilities). So come on Portland, we already love doughnuts, why not give its Slovenian cousin a try?!

Find an epic yet basic recipe here, and make it your own!

Yours always,

Oh My Ganache

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